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Monday, June 4, 2012


Enzo Anselmo Ferrari is born on the out skirts of Modena on the 18th of February 1898. however, his birth isn't  registered until two days later because of heavy snow.


Enzo and his brother Alfredo watch a race at the motor racing circuit on Emilia in Bologna.


Enzo father and his brother pass away. so he was forced to give up his studies


first test drive


in 1924 Enzo Ferrari is made a cacliere ( knight ) for his sporting achievements.


Ferrari is made Commendatore by the italian state in recognition of his services to the Nation in the area of racing. on june 5th of the same year, he wins the first Circuito di Modans in an Alfa Romeo 6C-1500 ss.


the factory is first bombed on November, 4th 1944


Enzo Ferrari passes away at the age of 90 on august  14th

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